[Name of Document] A Letter of Patent Application
[Classification of Right] Patent
[Addressee] Head of Korea Patent Office
[Reference No] 0001
[Date of Presentation] October 12, 2000
[Name of Invention in Korean] Á¤ÀüÀ¯µµ¹ßÀü±â
[Name of Invention in English] Electrostatic Induction Generator
Name : : Kang Sam-jeong in South Korea
Applicant`s Code No : 4-1998-010515-6
Name : Baek Mun-gu
Applicant`s Code No: 9-1998-000213-7
Blanket Authorization Registration No : 2000-055325-7
Name : Jeong Sang-seop
Applicant`s Code No: 9-2000-00159-1
Blanket Authorization Registration No: 2000-055324-0
Name : Kang Sam-jeong
Applicant`s Code No: 4-1998-010515-6
[Request of Judgement] Request
[Early Opening to the Public] Application
[Purpose] I apply for an application according to provision no. 42 on the patent law, a request for judgement according to provision no. 60 on the patent law and the opening of application according to provision no. 64 on the patent law.
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